f: 2015
Mått: 136/193/21,5
E: Frilenis Ailill 0910642 (ICS NL)
ee: The Red Rooster 0810110 (ICS NL)
eu: Frilenis Ebony 0711191 (ICS NL)
U: Hermits Serenade 2011/0162/Fsb/F
ue: Golden Sunlight of Hermits 826068A00010658
uu: Hermits Vanilla Sky 826042220300909
uue: Sovereign (unreg.)
uuu: Hermits Cassatta SHAPS Y99/428
uuee: Hermits Duke 826042819300002
uueu: Roosta Black (unreg.)
uuue: Hermits Lonley Ghost 826042219600280
uuuu: Molly Bay (unreg.)
uueee: Silver (unreg.)
uueeu: Hermits Duchess
uuuee: Kylkenny 97/219
uuueu: Tansy of Darcy 92/8
Sommarpremiering 2019: 7,7,8,8,7=37 p. Behåring 7
Chill Out In Harmony hingst f 2020 e: B. aMazing Mii In Harmony MY 14
Uppf: Mr & Mrs Butterfield, Storbritannien
Ägare: Mirre Mikkola-Bergqvist och Susanne Karlsson.